Editor's Note: Bah! I know the layout is a bit messed up... Maybe I'll fix it some day... Maybe not.

Start to finish, it was a 32 hour trip to Goshogawara where Obaasan lives. Obaasan is Japanese for Grandma. Kai and Kikyo travelled very well... All except about the last 6 hours. And when we finally arrived, they slept like a pile of angles.
This gave us a chance to meet Tako and Akemi. We met a lot of other friends too, but didn't manage to get pictures. It was a very photo-deficient trip.
Hiromi's brother, Hisaki, took us to the Kanagi Cherry Blossom Festival. There are no blossoms in sight because we just got out of the car.
Kai is quite a little photographer. Here is a picture he took of a neighbor's flowers.
Kikyo took a break in the sun during a morning walk. Behind her is a long wide flood plain that is used as a park for the 99.5% of the time it is not flooded.
Kai got a haircut from a professional stylist who is a friend of Hiromi's... I probably shouldn't have picked this particular "before and after" set, because Kai's hair looks better in the before. But I promise there are plenty of other pics that proove it was a good thing.
We had lunch at in Hirosaki before the Hirosaki Chreey Blossom Festival. I think Hiromi's brother, Noriyasu, took this picture.
Obaasan was very happy to finally meet Kikyo. Here they are together in a big yellow tent full of carnival games.
At public events in Japan, there are usually lots of food vendors. One popular choice something like a melon sherbet in a cone... Calling it sherbet is not exactly right. It is definitely nothing like a snow cone, and quite a bit like ice cream. But it has no milk, so Kai is not allergic to it. They simply call it "ice".
Here is Kikyo on a double slide at a park in Aomori.
Kikyo is a brave little climber, much like Kai was at her age. Here she is making her way across a pipe to get to a really big slide.
Kai, Kikyo, and I visited our friend Meg while Hiromi went in to get her driver's license renewed. Japan's asinine bureaucracy made this an all morning task. Here we are walking a very nice boardwalk through a true swamp. Lots of creatures all around.
Kikyo played in the water.
And so did Kai. (Yes, we did have a change of clothes... Lucky boy!)
There was much more... But few photos. That's life.